Junior League Bowling
Junior League Bowling is on the following times:
Friday Afternoon 3.45pm
Saturday Morning 8.45am
It is recommended to arrive early as bowling commences at these times.
- 3 Game Junior League is $17 per week and includes Prize/Social Fund. The $17 per week is only payable weekly on the day of bowling.
- Tenpin Bowling Australia membership for Juniors is $40 for the whole of 2024
- MLC Balls and Shoes can be used by your children for as long as they like, no need to purchase your own equipment
- If your child can’t make it on their scheduled weekly day you have the option to come in another day prior to that to “Pre Bowl” which means they don’t miss out on winning Individual or Team points for the match
- Our live scores program has the League schedule, it’s good to monitor this in case Junior bowling isn’t on (Tournaments etc)
Get in contact with us today if you have any questions (no questions are silly, we are here to help!)