League Bowling
There are Tenpin Bowling Teams to suit all ages and every lifestyle!
Current League Bowlers info HERE
We have teams for children, teens, adults, seniors and also people with a disability and we offer learn to bowl sessions if you need a few tips to get you started.
You can join one of our existing teams or get a group of family and friends together and form your own team. Team bowling takes place on most days and nights so you’ll be able to find a day and time that suits your personal schedule. It’s less expensive to bowl if you are a team bowler and most teams compete for trophies or prizes and celebrate at the end of season with awards parties. We also have a “Singles” Monday night league where you can bowl on your own instead of in a team.
Every league has a “handicap” set up based on YOUR bowling average, so you don’t need to be a “pro bowler” to win!
Night Leagues:
Tuesday (Space available for reserves only)
6.30pm Whitsunday League (Teams) 3 Games $24+ Prize Fund
5pm Premier League (2 person Teams) 3 Games $24+ Prize Fund
6.30pm Wednesday Wars (3 person Teams) 3 Games $24+ Prize Fund
Thursday (Space available for reserves only)
7pm Super Doubles (2 person teams) 4 Games $32+ Prize Fund
Friday (Multiple spots available)
3.45pm Juniors (Teams) 3 Games $15+ Prize Fund ($2)
Day Leagues:
9.30am Paget Ladies (Teams) 2 Games $16
1.00pm Seniors (Teams) 2 Games $16+ Prize Fund
9.30am Sunshine League (Teams) 3 Games $24+ Prize Fund
Saturday (Multiple spots available)
8.45am Juniors (Teams) 3 Games $15+ Prize Fund ($2)
Get in contact with us today if you have any questions (no questions are silly, we are here to help!)